English Boyhood: Colin (early-1940s)

Figure 1.-- Our reader tells us, 'This is a photograph of me on the left and my brother. It was taken during the early-1940s in England. I think my mum wanted a little girl. She certainly dressed me up in fancy clothes, for those days. Here we are done up for a wedding, but I don't remember much about it as I was so young.'

Our reader tells us, "This is a photograph of me on the left and my brother. It was taken during the early-1940s in England. I think my mum wanted a little girl. She certainly dressed me up in fancy clothes, for those days. Here we are done up for a wedding, but I don't remember much about it as I was so young. Notice my lace-trimmed ruffled collar." Well you know Colin, mums have all kinds of ideas. Some rather enjoyed dressing younger children up just as little girls like to play by dressing their dolls. This was more prevalent in the 19th century before boys' fashion conventions became more standardized. In the case here, the boys' wedding outfits seem fairly standard for a formal wedding.


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Created: 1:38 AM 4/23/2010
Last updated: 4:00 PM 4/23/2010