** English carte-de-vistes CDVs mounts characteristics

English CDV Chronology: The 1860s--Characteristics

English CDVs
Figure 1.-- This CDV has no studio information. Writing on the back tells us it was taken in 1869. Note thelarge white marfins and rather empty space at the top. This was in part bcause many CDVs were stored in slotted albums. Also notice the sharp pointed corners.

The 1860s CDVs are some of the easiest CDVs to date. As in America, the early CDVs have square corners. The posing of early-CDVs is not as uniform as is the case of American CDVs. This may reflect the relative popuularity of albums. We also see destinctive poses, especially the subjects being posed at a distance and only making up a part of the image. Some continued the basic Dag pose of sitting besides a fabric covered table. We see CDVs with very large white margins like the one here (figure 1). We think that many CDVs had ruling. We do not yet have many dated 1860s English CDVs. We think that ruling was vry common, but can not yet confirm this with actual examples. Ruling was very commin on early Ameican CDVs, but not the white margins we see here. Many early CDVs had no printing on the font or back, but by the end of the decade, mounts with printing begin to appear on the mounts to identify the studios. .


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Created: 12:56 PM 12/25/2017
Last updated: 12:56 PM 12/25/2017