French class the subject of French childen'clothes was discussed. There was considerable difference of opinion. With photos and text. ">

French Boys Clothes: Late 20th Century--The 1970s

Figure 1.--This class portrait shows the varieties of styles being worn by French children in 1976. The boys wer coloful shirts nd long pants.

There were major changes in French boy's clothing in the late-20th century, especially during the 1970s. There was in the post-World War II era still destinctions between French boys' wear and styles worn in other countries. Ths was especially true in the 1950s, but begin to decline in the 1960s. In the late-20th century, French boys' fashions gradually lost its destinctive character, There were still some differences in the 1970s. One of the trends most notable in this period was the increasing popularity of casual styles. Boys increasingly wore jeans and "T"-shirts. Girls still commonly wore dresses, but we also see them wearing pants. French boys still commonly wore short cut short pants in 1972, but longer cut shorts were beginning to appear in the catalogs. Older boys were increasingly wearing long pantsthat more and more boys wore long rather than short pants. Boys increasingly wore long pants to school and even during the the summer. Jeans became a popular fashion statement. We also notice that boys wearing short pants in the 1970s began to wear longer cut shorts. We also notice girls in the 1970s beginning to wear pants, both short and long pants, and not just dresses. We notice girls wearing knee socks, but they are now less common or boys. Many of the casual clothes French boys were wearing in the 1970s on had a destinctive American look. The French brother and sister here, according to a French reader, "... are dressed for play, but tey often wore the same clothes to school, except the boy's sneakers were not permitted in school". A British reader tells us that his in his grammar (secondary) school French class the subject of French childen'clothes was discussed. There was considerable difference of opinion.


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Created: February 25, 2004
Last updated: 6:43 PM 2/11/2016