French Boys Garments: Sack Suits--Double-breasted Jackets

Figure 1.--This CDV portrait shows two unientified brothers about 10-13 years old. The boys wear udentical double breasted suits. We are not sure how to describe the oddly shaped white collar or the neckwear They wear rather tight knickers with light-colored long stockings and high-top shoes. The portait is undated, but we would guess was taken in the 1870s, perhaps the early-80s. The boys have center-part hair styles. The studio was A. Carette in Lille..

Double-breasted jackers were one of the popular styles of sack suits. We see a range of styling. Some of the jackets seem to be done with ornamental rather than functional buttons. We note a range of detailing such as piping. The suits were dome with different type of pants. We are not sure when double-brested suits first appeared in France. Popularity varied over time. We have found examples from the 1870s, but they may have appeared earlier. This was a style for school-age boys and adults. It continued to be a popular style into the 20th century.


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Created: 11:32 PM 12/6/2013
Last updated: 11:32 PM 12/6/2013