German Boys' Clothes: The 1880s

Figure 1.--These children were from Stettin, a German Baltic Sea port. We think this cabinent card portrait was taken in the 1880s, perhaps 1880. We not sure what color his suit would have been. Note the boys floppy bow, they became very popular in the 1880s. Also notice the white stockings. American boys in the 1880s wore dark stockings.

Wide-brimmed sailorchats become popular for younger boys. Younger boys still wore dresses, but were generally breeched before boys in many other countries. We note some boys wearing kilt suits, but they not nearly as common as in America. Little Lord Fauntleroy suits appeared in the 1880s, but were not as popular in Germany as in many other countries during the 1880s and 90. We do note boys wearing floppy bows in the 1880s. Collars increased substabtially in size. There were a variety of suiy styles foir boys. Norfolk suits become popular. We note knee pants beginning to becone popular, at least for younger boys. We also notice bloomer knickers. Most boys still wire long pants. We do see German boys wearing sailor suits in the the 1880s. Children commonly wore long stockings in Germany during the late 19th century. Younger children might wear socks, especially during the summer. We still some white stockings, but dark stockings were becoing standard.


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Created: 2:05 AM 12/22/2008
Last updated: 2:05 AM 12/22/2008