German Cold Weather Coats: Social Class

Figure 1.--These two German brothers were photographed in 1933. Thet are wearing berets and a soublebreasted overcoat. Also notice the white long stockings. We would guess that they came from a middle-class family in comfortable circumstance. The overcoat was double-breasted. This was a popular style for younger children. Note the flowers in their lapels. Had they been British boys I would have thought that they were the poppies worn on Armistice Day, but I don't think Armistice Day was celebrated in Germany.

We are not entirely sure, but it seems to us that overcoats were primarily worn by ipper-class and middle-class boys. They seem less common for working-class boys. Working-class boys more commonly various types of jackets. We see boys who look to come from affluent families wearing overcoats with classical styling. These same styles were widely worn throughout Europe and in North America (the United States and Canada). Souble breasted overcoats seem particularly popular for the younger children from affluent families.


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Created: 9:44 PM 1/20/2007
Last updated: 9:44 PM 1/20/2007