German Suit Jackets: Single-breasted Jackets

Figure 1.--Here we see a German boy on an outing to a local park, probably wih his family during the 1950s. We still see people dressing up for park outiongs. This boys wears a cross tie wih his suit along with short pants and ankle socks. This may be his confirmation suit.

We notice single-breasted jacket in the mid-19h century. At the time it was one of several different types of suit jackets, many of which were more common for younger boys. We notice many German boys in the photographic record wearing standard single-breasted jacket. This became the most common style for suits after World War I. We also notice double-breasted jackets, but by the 1940s the single-breasted jacket was emerging as the most common type of suit jackets for both men and boys. Sports jackets were popular in America. We don't see, however, many Germnan boys wearing sports jackets. Sports jackets were usually done as single-breasted jackets. Suits were much more common in Germany. This contiues to be the case today, although suits are must less commonly worn by boys. There were several dufferent stylistic elements with varied ovr time. The single most important was the lapels, but other features inclused the buttons, cut, pockets, and other features. They were worn with and without vests. The trousers varied over time. There were fashion variations as well as age conventions. Knee pants were very common in the early-20th century. Short pants were common inthe inter-War era and early post-War period. Older boys wore knickers or long pants. Aftter the 1950s you begin to see most boys wearing long pants with suits.


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Created: 3:11 AM 2/27/2010
Last updated: 3:11 AM 2/27/2010