German Hair Tufts: Chronology

Figure 1.--Here we see two unidentified German boys with hair tufts. The family snapshit is undated, but lloks like the 19q0s, probably during World War I.

German boys in the late-19th century and early-20th century commonly wore cropped hair. This is very obvious from the photographic record. Large number of German boys in the early-20th century had cropped hair. The cropped hair style was so ingrained over so long a time that many German parents apparently did not feel comfortable in allowing boys to grow out their hair. Just letting boys grow a little patch of hair at the front probably gave even conservative parents the chance to adjust to the changing styles. This did not take long and as a result by the mid-20s we no konger see these hair tufts. Most of the images we have found are from this relatively short period from the late-10s to the early-20s. It appears to have been a transitional style between the cropped hair commonly worn in the 1910s and the combed hairstyles of the 1920s.


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Created: 1:39 AM 6/27/2010
Last updated: 1:39 AM 6/27/2010