Greek Boys Clothes Chronology: The 1930s--Well-dresed Children

Figure 1.--Here e see a postcard-back studio portait taken in the 1930s. We see four children from an unidentified family, clearly in comfortable cicumstances. They looked to be about 6-15 years old. The girls war whay look like identical pleated dreses. The boys wear different suits. The younger boy wears a sailor suit with unusual Norfolk styling. The older boy wears a suit with some Norfolk styling. Notice the unusual dickey--a feature usually only done with sailor outfits. The boys' short pants habe knee pants hem buttons. Notice the girls wear white socks while the boys wear dark socks.

Despite the economic situation, we note quite a few portraists of well-to-do childen in the cities. Studio portraits, however, unlike snapshots provide no demographic information neyond the clothing. Sailor suits were still worn, but not as much as in earlier years. Boys from affluent families were dressed in the latest fashions, often looking rather like a well dressed boys in England or France. The styles were a little more casual. Boys wore suits, but given the warm climate, lighter fabrics with a somewhay more casual look. Here the photographic ecord can be misleading. Families that bhad the money for studio portaits tended to be the better off, meaning they also had the ability to dress well.


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Created: 11:57 PM 3/22/2019
Last updated: 11:57 PM 3/22/2019