*** boys clothes: Greek suit chronology

Greek Boys Garments: Suit Chronology

Greek boys suits
Figure 1.--We have no information about this family snaphot. It had jagged edges. We see thrree boys wearung short pnts suit. We suspct they are on their way to school. The photograph would have been taken after Workld War II in the late-1940s or early-50s.

Greece was the first part of the Balkans freed from Ottoman rule (1820s) Thus by the 20th century it was the most Westernized area of the Balkans, although traditional styles were still worn at the turn-of the 20th century. Boys in the cities wore Western style suits. In ther cities, traditional garmnts were mostly for special occassions and festivals. We see Greek boys wearing the same styles of suits as worn elsewhere in Europe. We do not have much information on the 19th century yet. We do have information on the 20h century. We note all the major styles, includung single- and double-breasted jackets. wee see Norfolk jackets in the early-20th century. Vests seem less common than in northrn Europe, probably becasuse of the warm climate. Many boys wore their suits withn open collars rather than neckties, again probanly because of the warm Mediterranean climate. Knee pants suits were common in the early-20th century, but short pants suits became common after World War II as in much of Europe. Gradually by the 1960s we see more and more boys and youngrr boys wearing long-pants suits, but by this time dress was becoming increasingly casual. A kind of pan-European styles were becoming established. By the end of the century we see fewer boys wearing suits and only for the most formal occassions.


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Created: 12:39 AM 10/11/2022
Last updated: 12:39 AM 10/11/2022