*** Hungarian boys suits: collar buttoning jackets

Hungarian Boys' Suits: Collar Buttoning Jackets

Hungarian boys suits
Figure 1.--This CDV portrait shows an unidentified Budapest boy. He wears a double breasted collar buttoning jacket, aare arrangement with knee pnts and long stockings. We can't make out the collar, but the jacket is clearly collar buttoning. We notice nothing destinctively Hungarian about the suit. His flower-decorated hat does look rather Hungarian. The portrait is undated, but the appear to have won a medal in 1885. A reference to 1887 may be an address. We suspect that the portrait was taken in the late-1880s.

One of the most popular styles for boys' suits during the 19th century was the collar buttoning jacket. This was the case throughout Europe and North America. It was also an important style in Hungary. As in other countries, we have little information on the early-19th century, but with the appearance of photography (1839) we see many boys wearing these suits at mid-centurry. We see both civilian and militarty styles. Unfortuntely we have no Hungarian mid-century images, but suspect trends were similar to those in Austria and Germany. While the major feature was a collar and buton closure, these jackets were made in a wide rnge of cuts and features. We do see Hungarian examples with the appearance of the CDV (1860s). Except for the military, collar-buttoning jackets wer not common with adults, but were widely worn school-age boys. We do not know of any specific Hungarian styles, although there may have been some destinctive Hungarian decorative touches. We continue to see these collar-buttoning jackets into the early-20th century. These collar-buttoning jackets were worn with a variety of pants. The most common were knee pants, the standard type of pants for boys during the time that these jackets were most popular. A German reader writes, "In the 1880 years Hungary was part of the Habsburg dual monarchy (Austro-Hungarian Empire). Austria and many other regions to the East and South-East were governed by Hungary. The hat laid down on the bank is in a typical form of Austrian (and Bavarian) hats."


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Created: 1:55 AM 12/10/2014
Last updated: 4:27 AM 12/18/2014