Italian Boys' Clothes: Chronology--The 1960s

Figure 1.--School photographs in schools where the children did not wear smocks are a good relflection od contemporary styles, This photograph looks to have been taken at aprivate school in the early 1960s. The school did not have a unigform, but required the boys to wear short pants. Some boys still had short pants suits, although this was becoming less common. Most of the boys wear ankle socks and few wear ties. Note the short hair styles and casual clothes that some of the boys wear.

Long pants began to become more common in the 1960s, but many boys still wore short pants. The shorts worn tended to be quite long. Some boys still had short pants suits, but this had become less common by the end of the decade as shorts begamne an increasingly casual style. Suspender shorts declined in popularity. Many boys wore shorts with short socks rather than kneesocks. Smocks were still very common for schoolwear. By the end of the decade, many boys were wearing their hair longer. European ecoinomic propsperity meant that by the 1960s, increasing numbers of Italian families had the earnings to dress thaeir children better than ever before. It became increasingly rare, for example, to see barefoot children.


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Created: September 11, 2003
Last updated: September 12, 2003