** Japanese family clothes -- Takeichi Nishi

Japanese Families: Japanese Family and Home (late-1930s)

Figure 1.--Here we have a family potrait of all three generations, parents with grandparents and mostly young choldren. You get a feeling for the close family ties. We think two families are involved here, gathered together for the portait. They are variously dressed, but most are wearing long stockings. We see two mothers, but only one father. The other father prbably took the photograph. The photograph is not dates, but was probably taken in the mid- to late-1930s. One interesting aspect of this photograph is that they are stnding in front of one of their homes. Notice the wooden construction. After Japan launched the Pacific war, this would be a factor in the War. American fire bombing of Japanese cities prived exceedingly effective because of the mostly wooden buildings. The 1940s

Here we have a family potrait of all three generations, parents with grandparents and mostly young choldren. You get a feekling for the close family ties. We think two families are involved here, gathered together for the portait. Notice that the children and men are wearing Western clothes, but the women wear traditional clothes, even the two young mothers with babies on their back. The children are variously dressed, but most are wearing long stockings. We see two mothers, but only one father. The other father prbably took the photograph. The photograph is not dated, but was probably taken in the mid- to late-1930s. Let us know if you can date the photograph better. One interesting aspect of this photograph is that they are stnding in front of one of their homes. Notice the wooden construction. After Japan launched the Pacific war, this would be a factor in the War. American fire bombing of Japanese cities prived exceedingly effective because of the mostly wooden buildings.


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Created: 8:19 PM 3/1/2011
Last updated: 8:19 PM 3/1/2011