* Japanese smocks

Japanese Skirted Garments: Smocks

Figure 1.--This Japanese boy looks to be wearing a smock with short pants and long stockings. The photograph is undated, but we would guess was taken about 1930.

We have little information about Japanese smocks. As far as we can tell, few Japanese boys have worn smocks. The only photograph we have found has been a Japanese boy, probably about 1930 wearing what looks like a smock. The time line here is relatively narrow because until after Wotld War I, Japanese boys mostly wore traditional clothes. The major exception here appears to be schoolwear. We see some modern pre-school children wearing smocks. This appears to be fairly common in pre-schools. We are not sure about the chronology here. We also notice school smocks. We have seen some younger children wearing smocks at school. In recent years we have seen some older primary children wearing snocks in recent years.


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Created: 12:10 AM 5/23/2007
Last updated: 11:25 AM 9/29/2020