Trinidadian Demographics

 Trinidad village
Figure 1.--We do not fully understand Trinidadian demographic trends. They seem to be a variance from much of the developing world. Population growth is not only lower, but urbanization is actually declining. This is a scene from a rural Trinidadian village, probably during the 1930s.

We do not fully understand Trinidadian demographic trends. They seem to be a variance from much of the developing world. The country has a population of nearly 1.4 million people, but the rate of growth has declinced markedly since the torrid annual 2.8 percent of the 1950s. The growth rate is now only about 0.25 percent rate (2018). Some projections suggest tha the growth rate will turn negative (2030s). This is unusual in the modern world. Another unusual trend is urbanization. Most countries report increasing urbamization. Trinidad has been reoorting a decaded-long decline in urbanization. The Urban population in 1955 wasnearly 20 percent. The Urban populatiom is now only 8 percent and declining. We also note and outward migratiom which was substantial (1970s-90s), but has since declined. [Worldometers] This outward migration is a phenomenon observeable throughout the Caribbean. We believe this is resulting from the poor performnce of the regionl economies. Most emigrants head for the United States, Canada, and Britain.


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Created: 4:51 AM 10/20/2018
Last updated: 4:51 AM 10/20/2018