Dutch Boys' Clothes: Suit Jackets

Figure 1.--This Dutch boy in 1960 wears a blue blazer which does not appear to have lapels. By the 1960s, boys were not wearing suits as commonly as before World War II and a variety of more casual styles were appearing. Clickmon the image for a look at the short grey pants that the boy is wearing.

Jacket styling also varied over time. We do not know of any destinctive Dutch jacket styles. Dutch boys have worn both single and doubled breasted jackets, although single breasted jackets have generally been the most popular. Dutch suit jackets appear to have gone through the same fashion cycles such as varying lapel changes as in the United States and other countries. A variety of trendy styles appeared in the 1960s. We have also noted Dutch boys wearing blazers, although not as commonly as in Britain and the United States. One blazer we noted in 1960 appaers to be made in the Eton style without lapels are perhaps it does not show up in the image. As in England after World War II, in the Nethelands Dutch boys began wearing suit jackets less commonly.

Chronological Trends

Jacket styling also varied over time. Dutch suit jackets appear to have gone through the same fashion cycles such as varying lapel changes as in the United States and other countries. As in England after World War II, in the Nethelands Dutch boys began wearing suit jackets less commonly.


We do not know of any destinctive Dutch jacket styles. Dutch boys have worn both single and doubled breasted jackets, although single breasted jackets have generally been the most popular. Double-breasted suits were commonly worn in the Netherlands. We have, however, limited onformation at this time because of our limited archive of Dutch images. One example is 16-years old Frans Leferink in 1927. A variety of trendy styles appeared in the 1960s.


We have also noted Dutch boys wearing blazers, although not as commonly as in Britain and the United States. One blazer we noted in 1960 appaers to be made in the Eton style without lapels are perhaps it does not show up in the image.


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Created: August 31, 2001
Last updated: 2:44 AM 10/17/2010