Pitcarin Islands: Religion

Figure 1.-- The first and most important Christian sign in Pitcairn is the Bible of the Bounty. The Mutineers were not a particularly religious group to begin with. Most of the Bounty mtineers died within a decade of the mutiny. This meant that the community was in a religious state of flux.

The first and most important Christian sign in Pitcairn is the Bible of the Bounty. The Mutineers were not a particularly religious group to begin with. Most of the Bounty mtineers died within a decade of the mutiny. This meant that the community was in a religious state of flux. No one on the island had any Christian religious training. Adventist churches in America sent literature to Pitcarin (1870s). John Tay, an Adventist missionary, landed on Pitcairn Island (1886). In only a few weeks all the Pitcairn islanders ers joined the Seventh Day Adventist Church. It is the only church in Adamstown.


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Created: 1:40 AM 9/27/2010
Last updated: 1:40 AM 9/27/2010