Croatian Boys' Clothes: Folk Costumes--Children

Figure 1.--This photograph shows children from Zlatar-Bistrica, a municipality in northern Croatia near Slovenia. The photograph was taken during the 1931-32 school year. It shows a group of pupils dressed up for a school play. Some of the children are wearing folk costumes. We suspect the costumes are the folk costumes they wore for special occassions. Notice the interesting headwear. We are not sure if the coins the one girl wears is a Vroatian or Gypsey influence.

We also see Croatian children wearing folk costumes to school for special occassions. We do not see muvch traditioinal cloithing in Croatia before World War II and it disappeared in Croatia and ther Yugoslav republics after the War. We do see fancy costumes for special occassions. We note children done up in folk cosumes for events. We also see children dancing at schools in folk costumes. These school outfits do not seem as fancy as some we have seen. Note the rather plain vests in the school dancing imahe on the previous page. We note much fancier outfits here with the children done up in cistumes for a school play (figure 1). As it the common pattern for folk outfits, there were no specific styles for children, but parents seem to like to dress the chidren up in these costumes for special events. Some of these outfits are very fancy.


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Created: 4:19 AM 12/3/2008
Last updated: 4:19 AM 12/3/2008