Indian Turbans: Chronology

Figure 1.--In Rajasthan the turban is a very important garment. Here we see an unidentified boy wearing a turban in 1928. He was from Jaipur in Rajasthan. The boy may be a water seller.

The popularity of turbans has declined in India since independence (1947). This may be a process that began earlier, but our information is limited. We do see boys wearing turbans before independence. It is today much less common to see young men earing turbans, especially once you move away from the morthwest of the country. This includes Rajistan and the area where Sikhs are most concentrated. Even less common is boys wearing turbans. his is a little different for special events for which Indians often dress up for the celebration. For ordinary days, few males wear turbans. And almodt no boys except Sikh boys. This is clearly vissible in school portraits. In many areas the turban has become headwear most commonly wirn by elderly men.


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Created: 3:43 PM 12/15/2014
Last updated: 3:43 PM 12/15/2014