Indian Sikhism: Schools

Figure 1.--Here we see some Indian Sikh students in 2010. We do not know much about Sikh and other religious schools in India. Hopefully Indian readers can provide some information.

We are not entirely sure how religion is dealt with in Indian schools. Public schools are secular. We also notice religious schools including many Muslim Madrasas. Many Indian Muslims prefer religious to seculasr education. This and the resistance to educating girls results in a significant difference in eucational achievement among Muslims. Sikhs on the other hand are much more supportive of education and this is reflercted in levels of educational achievement. We believe that most Sikhs attend public schools. There is no resistence among Sikhs to educating women. Sikhs see a basic equality among men and women, although there are cultural barriers to achieving this. We notice some Sikh schools, inclusing public schools like the Guru Harkrishan Public School in Delhi. As far as we can tell the Sikh schools have modern curriculums, including string sceence and msthemastics programs and are not diominarted by memorizing religious scriptures as is the case at many Madrasas.


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Created: 11:50 PM 7/17/2010
Last updated: 11:51 PM 7/17/2010