Mexican Minority Groups: Native Americans--Clothing

Mexican indians
Figure 1.-- Here a father and son in Native American costumes stands by a shop window in fashionable section of Mexico City, Mexico. We are unsure about the tribe or to what extent the clothing represents pre-conquest styles. The press photo is dated August 14 1983.

One aspect of the Native american culture is destinctive clothing and especially weaving. As far as we know there is no destinctive styles for children. Boys and girls simply wear smaller versions of the clothes worn by their parents. There were variations from tribe to tribe. The Mexican tribes were gebnerally conquered in the 16th century, three centuries before the tribes in the United States. Many were brought together in missions or reduced to serfs working as encomienda labor. Gradually the encomiendas were converted to haciendas. The Native Americans were thus very strongly indluenced by Spanish culture. This included religion and many other mstters included clothing. Thus even when we see Mexican native Americans in ethbic clothing, we are not entirely sure how accurately it reflercts pre-conquest clothing. There are records from the Spanish colonial era describing native dress, but this varies widely from tribe to tribe. The most extensive records are from the Aztec and Maya because of their importance and existence of written records.


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Created: 4:53 AM 7/31/2010
Last updated: 4:53 AM 7/31/2010