Portuguese Summer Camps--Chronology

Figure 1.--Here we see boys at an unidentified summer camp in Lisbon. It was taken in 1969.

We do not have any information about Portuguese summer camps in the first half of the 20th century. There may have been sone, but we have not found any information on them. At best, it does not seem to have been a major effort. We do not see a major summer camp effort like Germany and Italy, but our information is very limited. We do see summer camps after World War II, although we still do not have much information. We do see some examples of summer camps after World War II. We are not sure how common thy were. But this is the first summer camps we see in Portugal. The situation is very different today. We see all kinds of summer camps operating in Portugal. We see summer camps for Portuguese childrem like camps in other European countries and in America. Notably we also many modern camps for foreign youth to engage in various programs in Portugal and enjoy the seacoast and wonderful weather during the summer.


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Created: 1:31 PM 10/21/2019
Last updated: 1:31 PM 10/21/2019