*** Serbia Serbian short pants rompers

Serbian Boys Clothes: Rompers

Serbian rompers
Figure 1.--Well there is no doubt about this Serbian boy's age. He is bviously 4-years old and wears a romper suit for his birthdat party.

We also see rompers, a French style, but but as far as we can tell, they were not very commonn. We have only limited information of Serbia which at the time rompers were popular boys' stylev was part of Yugoslavia. We don not have any information on Serb rompers in the inter-War era before World War II. We do have found an image we think from Serbia in what was a the time Yugoslavia. It shows a 4-year old boy wearing a voluminous romper for his birthday party. We have no idea how popular rompers were in Yugoslavia at the time. This was rather a French fashion and suggests rompers were worn by children of the Communist ruling class. the scene here suggests a family at the mid-level of Communist bureaucrats. The Yugoslavs were at first after the war fervent Communists. After the split with the Soviets they re engineered themselves as a middle way between Soviet Communism and Western capitalism. This is important in fashion history as the Soviets viewed fashion as unhealthy Western decadence.


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Created: 3:09 AM 2/20/2023
Last updated: 3:09 AM 2/20/2023