** Polish boys clothes religion -- First Communion chronology 1970s

Polish First Communion: 20th Century Chronology--The 1990s

Figure 1.--Here we see a group of Polish children from parish church all done up for their First Communioin. Notice the destinctive peasant blouses many of the boys are wearing.

The Polish economy faced many problems in recovering four decades of Communist rule. The process was just beginning in the 1990s, especially the early-90s. Restrictions on the church were removed after the fall of Wojciech Jaruzelski (May 1989). Improving the ecomomy was much more difficult undertaking. Many Communist era enbterprises closed because they were so inefficent. Many workers lost their jobs. Despite the economic difficulties, preparing their children for Furst Comminion was one thing for which parents found the money. Girls wore fabcy junior wedding dresses as before. Boys began to appear in a range of outfit. White suits were common, but we alo begin to see what might be clled peasant blouses and cassocks. The peasant blouses seem destinctive to Polish First Communions. One Polish commentator writes, "Since my First Communion, communion dresses in some regions of Poland became very expensive and fancy, the communion girls looked like small brides. Finally, many parishes restricted and simplified First communion outfits, so that the children focus would be on the religion aspect of Eucharist rather than on the fashion competition. Presently in many Polish parishes girls and boys have to be dress in unified outfits - simple white robes, which remind the priest robe." Another Polidh reader tells us. "In the 1990s, white long albs appeared."


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Created: 1:12 AM 2/23/2014
Last updated: 11:32 AM 6/11/2021