Russian Boys' Clothes: Chronology--21st Century

Figure 1.--Here we see an August 2009 Russian streert scenne. Except for the purple tights, this could have been taken anywhere in Europe.

We note Russian Children in the 21st centuyry adopting many of the styles popular throughout Europe. Begunning in the 1970s, Europeean children began to adopt a kind of pan-European syle, heavily influenced by American fashions. We see an incresing popularity of casual styles with a sports influene. We see stylish T-shirts and sweatshirts. Warm up suits also see popular. Garments with sports and music band logos are especially popular. Denim is a prefered material. We see baseball caps and brightly colored jackets. Soviet policies slowed, but did not stop the s[pead of the styles east and the disolution of the Soviet Union (1992), the floodgates were open. By the 21st century there was vey little differece in popular styles in Russia and the rest of Europe. Of course cold weather items like war coats and jackes were needed in Russia. This was at lweeast the cade in the major cities. We are less certain about the small oens and rural areas. One of the few diffeences we note is that tights continue to be worn by boys in Russia, but are not commomly worn in Europe generally. A Russian readertells us, "As everywhere, in Russia there are a lot of clothes made in China. A lot of cheap western-style clothes are imported from Turkey. There are aldo a lot of factories producing clothes in Russia and te closest neighbors like Ukraine and Belorussia."


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Created: 9:24 PM 8/14/2009
Last updated: 9:24 PM 8/14/2009