*** Scottish families: unidentified Scottish family 1860s

Unidentified Scottish Familiy: Falkiirk Family (1860s)

Scottish families
Figure 1.-- This Falkiirk family is unidentified. The CDV portrait showsa young and still growing family--a mother surrounded by her brood of five very young children, two girls and three boys. The girls wear non-descript white dresses. The boys wear similar cut-away jacket suits, the youngest a kilt suit. The kilt is not a tartan. T hey wear both white and dark socks. The children look to be about 1-7 years old. The studio was Brown & Dunlop.

This Falkiirk family is unidentified. Falkiirk is located in the central Lowlands in the Forth Valley, rougly equidistant between Edinburgh and Glasgow. The town is most associated with Stirlingshire, but shire boundaries have changed over time. The Roman Antonine Wall runs through the town. The town was first noted during early medueval era and derivess its name from an early church located there. The town grew in imprtance with the the Scottish Industrial Revolution (18th-19th ceturues). Falkirk was at the cradle of Scotland's iron and steel industry. Here we see a CDV portrait of a young and still growing family--a mother surrounded by her brood of five very young chikdren, two girls and three boys. The girls wear non-descript white dresses. The boys wear similar cut-away jacket suits, the youngest a kilt suit. The kilt is not a tartan. They wear both white and dark socks. The children look to be about 1-7 years old. The studio was Brown & Dunlop.


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Created: 10:43 PM 5/19/2024
Last updated: 10:43 PM 5/19/2024