*** Scottish boys clothes: Richardson middle-class family 1880s

Scottish Middle-Class Familiy: The Richardsons (1880s)

Scottish families
Figure 1.-- Here we see the three Richardson children in their rather small back garden (yard). As is common in Scotland, the buildings and walls are made out of stone. Emulsions were still slow, so the children are posed and had to stand still. This image was printed from a 1/2 plate glass negative. These children have been posed beside a giant. The wear cold weather coats. One boy wears a Glengary cap. The other boy seems to be wearing a Balmoral cap.

Here we see winter in North Berwick during the 1880s. The Royal Burgh of North Berwick is a historic seaside town in East Lothian, 25 miles east of Edinburgh. Like Edinburgh, it is located on the Firth of Forth. As a result when the British began to take an interest in sea bathing, North Berwick became a fashionable holiday resort during the late-19th century. It has two sandy bays as well as popular golf courses. Dr. Richardson had three young children. He was a photography enthuist and thus we have snapshots shoiwung the life style of an upper-middle class family and not just studio portraits. Photography was still very complicated in the 1880s and a hobbiest had to make a considerable commitment. It required both expensive equipment as well as a great deal; of time. Film did not yet exist. We note a portrait of three children in a the rather small back garden (yard). As is common in Scotland, the buildings and walls are made out of stone. Emulsions were still slow, so the children are posed and had to stand still. This image was printed from a 1/2 plate glass negative. These children have been posed beside a giant. The wear cold weather coats. The boys have identical coats with capes. The British call these costs 'Ulster costs'. This was not a child's style. We see men wearing them as plate as the 1900s. One boy wears a Glengary cap. The other boy seems to be wearing a Balmoral cap. The girl wears a bonnet. The photograph is part of a family collection shot during 1880s-1900s. Dr Richardson moved to North Berwick where he set up a medical practice. He created a wionderful set of images at a time when photography was mostly formal studio portraits. He photographed family members, trips and events. His grown up son founded the North Berwick Museum which provided auitable archive for his father's collection.


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Created: 4:07 AM 5/3/2011
Last updated: 4:07 AM 5/3/2011