Scottish Middle-Class Markinch Familiy (about 1890)

Figure 1.--Here we see unidentified Scottish children, almost certsinly brother and sister. All we know about the portrait is that it was taken in Lawhead View, Markinch. That seems to be a town near St. Andrews. The children look to be about 6 and 8 years of age.

Here we see unidentified Scottish children, almost certsinly brother and sister. All we know about the portrait is that it was taken in Lawhead View, Markinch. That seems to be a town near St. Andrews. The children look to be about 6 and 8 years of age. The girl wers a long dress with an elaborate collar. She has something in her lap, perhaps flowers. The boy wears a cut-away jacket with military cuffs, an Eton coolar, and kilt. He does not wear a sporan which was commonly worn with kilts. She wears button shoes, he wears strap shoes. strap shoes were not uncommonly worn with kilts for a formsl outfit. As the photogrpher received an award in 1893, we know the portrait was made sometime after 1893, probably about 1895.


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Created: 1:56 AM 10/22/2006
Last updated: 1:56 AM 10/22/2006