Swiss Long Stockings: Added Socks--Purpose

Figure 1.-- This Zurich boy was dressed formaly in a school portrait during March 1930. We do not note boys dressed formally wearing the added socks we sometimes see with long stockings.

We are not sure why boys wore the added socks. It may have been primarily a fashion statement. The boys may have seen it as an athletic look. We note that boys did not wear the socks for formal occassions. Or it may have provided added warmth during the Winter months. The photographic record suggests that this was most common during the Winter, but then stockings were also most common during the Winter. We note Boy Scouts in Europe and America wearing added socks with knee socks with boots when hiking. I don't think this is what is involvded here as the boys would not have been doing a lot of hiking at school. Hopefully our Swiss readers will be able to offer some insights here. A reader writes, "I think it is for added warmth. I used to wear two pairs of socks in Winter time and my feet were always felt warm and comfortable. The Swiss boys look like bright sparks and its a very happy picture. I think it must be spring or there has been rain prior to the photograph the boy's shoes look muddy. Boy Scouts on hiles wear double socks to prevent getting blisters."


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Created: 6:33 PM 6/26/2010
Last updated: 6:33 PM 6/26/2010