We have had various discussions with Swiss readees and interlocutors. We find that many Swiss readers believe that there military prevented German invasion. It did not. The Swiss Army could retire in to the miuntin interior. But Swiss cities are not located in the interior, but near the frontier and not high in the mountains. Thus the cities couild be attacked as well as bombed. What prevented a German attack is that it was not worth the effort. The Swiss were not a military threat. and the Swiss provided the Germans all they wanted, including industrial support for theur war economy, inckuing machine tools and ball bearings. And once the Germans the war they could annex Switzerland. Only the blood spilled by the Allied soldiers saved Switzerland. I do not see a rcognition of that in many Swiss accounts of the War. In particular we see an aur of moral supperiority in the part of some Swiss commentators--a rather hypocritical comment, given that Switzerland's independence and democracy were entirely the result if the sacrifices of th Allied war effort. What promted the page here is comments by a Swiss individual who attacks both Chistinity and America based on a virtual total lack of historical knowledge.
A Swiss interlocator ha strong opinionions about Swiss history. Christianity and America. It is largely monsence, but worth repeating because it is the kind iod nonsence yiung oeople are taughtbin European and American universities.
Landolt writes, " I am of the opinion that we would treat each other much better and more peacefully if there were no religions (I know that is illusory. But you can still dream). And one more small thing: Christians were, by far, the most violent religion that ever existed (Bible: approx. 3 million plus the Flood, approx. 25 million murders / Crusades: approx. 22 million murders - that was over 7% of the world population at that time). Not to mention the many deaths that the missionary work that took place at the behest of the popes caused."
We suggest you open a history book or two. After Christianity became Christian it was under attack by various groups, primarily pagan German tribes, but also groups like the Huns and Avars..The Arabs are from the Arabian Peninsula. In the 7th century AD, they broke out of the Arabian Peninsula and spread Islam to an area from Persia east to the Atlantic Ocean by force. (Except for Persia, these were Christian lands) The Arabs reached Mauritania, Morocco. Portugal, and Spain as well as trying to invade France,. In more recent times The Ottoman Empire invaded the Christian Balkans as well as the Cacaus area and tried to invade central Europe--reaching Vienna. Christianity was also under attack by the Vikings. And the Mongols invaded and occupied large areas of Christian Eastern Europe. Then there were the Barbary Pirate attacks. As for the 20th century. Christian Europe was under attack by both the atheist NAZis and Soviet Communists. You seem to have missed large swaths of history, Apparently you were taught by the same Marxist professors that are spreading anti-Semitism and anti-Christian thought in our universities. Also notable is that modernity arose in the Christian West, specically democracy and capitalism. And look at Switzerland tiday, its prosperity and success are largely based on democracy and capitalism.
Oh, and before I forget: the USA is one of the most Christian countries in the "developed" world and yet one of the most violent! What about: You shall not kill? (I live in Switzerland and our murder rate is about 25 times lower than in the USA! And that's despite the fact that every Swiss fit for service (20 - I think it's 40) has a service weapon and ammunition at home!"
America had to be dragged kicking and streaming into the two workd wars and the Cold War. As for violence. I suggest that what you call violence iis preventing the terrible vilence and mass murder of the most evil regimes of history: 1) atheust Chinese Communists, 2) atheist Soviet Union, 3) atheist NAZIs, and 4) Shintoist Japanese militrists. The only really evil action America could have committed is not turning its massive industrial power toward destroying thise regimes.
I suggest you open a history book or two. After Christianity became Christian it was under attack by various groups, primarily pagan German tribes, but also groups like the Huns and Avars..The Arabs are from the Arabian Peninsula. In the 7th century AD, they broke out of the Arabian Peninsula and spread Islam to an area from Persia east to the Atlantic Ocean by force. (Except for Persia, these were Christian lands) The Arabs reached Mauritania, Morocco. Portugal, and Spain as well as trying to invade France,. In more recent times The Ottoman Empire invaded the Christian Balkans as well as the Cacaus area and tried to invade central Europe--reaching Vienna. Christianity was also under attack by the Vikings. And the Mongols invaded and occupied large areas of Christian Eastern Europe. Then there were the Barbary Pirate attacks. As for the 20th century. Christian Europe was under attack by both the atheist NAZis and Soviet Communists. You seem to have missed large swaths of history, Apparently you were taught by the same Marxist professors that are spreading anti-Semitism and anti-Christian thought in our universities.
Landolt writes, "Dennis Weidner I barely know the old history. But I studied a lot about the Third Reich because my mother grew up in Nazi Germany. Hitler, who embodied the NS-Regime, was a Catholic until his death. At the beginning of his power he was even a vehement Catholic. But that wasn't what I said."
Hitler and the other top NAZIs were not Chrustians, they neither attended church ior practiced the religion. Hitlerb in fact prefereed Islam because it was more ar-like. Hitler was planning to intriduce a new state relihion after he win the war. Hitler ordered the persecution of Catholic clerics. Many were arrested snd killed in concentration camps.
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