* America boys activities play

American Boys' Activities: Play--Activities

Figure 1.--These boys, probably brothers are playing in their backyard. It looks like a new suburban development. They look to be wearing bathing suits. We suspect that they may be mugging for the camera rather than actually playing.

We see all kinds of outdoor and indoor play. We see boys enjoying the outdoors alone or with friends. Boys enjoyed looking for insects or small animals or paddling in streams. There were a lot of such unorganized activities. We also note organized activities. Boys played many different outdoor games. This was especially the case in cities where lots of friends were about. There were party games that both boys and girls played. One favorite for everyday play with mixed groups was hide and go seek. Sand boxes were of course very popular for younger boys. On their own, boys were more likely to play war with different thems such as cowboys and Indians. Other play may be less coherent or well organized in adult eyes. Here age was a factor. As they got older sports began to replace games as favorite outdoor activities. A few exceptions were marbles, mummelepeg, and flipping baseball cards. Of course this varied over time. Modern boys are no longer allowed to have knives for mummeldepeg. And often marbles and flipping sports cards are discouraged as losers wind up unhappy. Older children, especially boys, are most likely to gradually shift from childish ball games to sports. Inside children could play with a range of toys, depending on age. Younger boys had blocks, pull toys, tops, and a range of other toys. Older boys might play with toy soldiers. Lincoln Logs, erector sets, and other toys. There were also all kind of board games.

Outdoors Activities

We see all kinds of outdoor play. Of course where the child lived had a lot to do with play activities. We see boys enjoying the outdoors alone or with friends. Sand boxes were popular for younger boys. Some families had pools of varying sizes and spriklers. Boys enjoyed looking for insects or small animals or paddling in streams. There were a lot of such unorganized activities. We also note organized activities. Boys played many different outdoor games. This was especially the case in cities where lots of friends were about. There were party games that both boys and girls played. One favorite for everyday play with mixed groups was hide and go seek. This could be played inside if the fam ily had a reasonable-sized home. On their own, boys were more likely to play war with different thems such as cowboys and Indians. Other play may be less coherent or well organized in adult eyes. Here age was a factor. Younger kids played in the backyaed oraround the hime, As they got older they ventured into the wider world which depending on where they lived varied greatly. As they got older sports began to replace games as favorite outdoor activities. A few exceptions were marbles, mummelepeg, and flipping baseball cards. Of course this varied over time. Modern boys are no longer allowed to have knives for mummeldepeg. And often marbles and flipping sports cards are discouraged as losers wind up unhappy. Older children, especially boys, are most likely to gradually shift from childish ball games to sports.

Indoor Activities

Indoors children also have many possible play activitie, There are games that can be played. Some are the same as oitdoor games palayed with a little less energy. And there are board games and cards which are mormally played indoors, although nothing prevents setting up oudoors on a potch or in a garden on a fine summer day. There were also all kind of board games. Some are of ancient origins such as chess, Dominoes and checkerts are of more recent origins. And in the 20th century all kinds of popular board games appeared. And of course there are toys, some of which can be played outdoors, but are primarily indoor play items. There are a whitering variety of toys which have significantly altered in modern times. Toys of course vary widely depending on age. Younger boys had blocks, pull toys, tops, and a range of other toys. Older boys might play with toy soldiers. And there were a range of play sets. Girls of course got doll houses. Boys had different kinds of play sets. I recall a Western street my brother got me in the 1950s. This was a great stage for gun fights. Toys followed rconomivs and technology. Kids in the 60s had space stations. and then Star Wars took off far beyond the earlier Buck Rogers era. Lincoln Logs, erector sets, Legos, and other toys were all great favorites. Some children enjouyed puzzels. And with the development of computers and all kinds of video games, a whole new area of home activities has been opened up.


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Created: 7:33 PM 11/6/2009
Last updated: 12:11 AM 10/25/2010