United States Boys' Clothes Chronology: Inter-War Years--Seasonality

Figure 1.--This family snapsjot was taken about 1930. The boys are dressed in e casul dresy style that becme popular in the inter-War era. They may be brothers, but we are not sure. They are very close in age. They are at some kind of recreation or park area.

Clothing seasonality during the 19th century was largely a matter of the weight of the garments. Boys esenbtially wore the sane style of clothing all year, but heavier weight itens in the winter and lighter weight items during the summer. Color was also a factor. This began to change after the turn-of-the-20th century, esspecially after World War I in the inter-War era. We see short sleeve shirt becoming popular. Some younger boys wore tos ithout sleeves. We still note variation in the weight of the garments. But we notice more specialized seasonal clothing, especially warm weather summer wear. Boys earlier wore the same garments all year round and this continued to some extent in the inter-War era. Some boys wore short pants all the time, usually changing hosiery. Other boys might wear kinickers in the winter and short pants during the summer. Short pants in particular became popular after the war and by the end of the War were becoming seasonal warm weather wear. Long pants were also becomong increasingly popular. We also see changes in hosiery. Before the War, long stockings were common all year round along with three-quater socks. After the War, long stockings and ven knee sock became increasingly cold weather wear.


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Created: 1:22 AM 4/19/2014
Last updated: 1:22 AM 4/19/2014