Hair styles had begun to change in the mid-1960s. Short styles declined in popularity and many boys began to wear longer styles. Popular hair styles were quite long and stayed that way until the early 80s. Some of the styles were spectacularly outlandish. The rebels of the 70s and early 80s may remember their glory days in metal-studded collars and spiky, fluorescent hair. For those who missed out, just get the Vaseline ready for styling your Mohawk, mix a faux fur top with a black leather mini and ripped fishnets. Add a row of studs and earrings and you're ready for the punk ball. Many remember feathered hair. Most boys wore less elaborate styles, but longish cuts were very common. Most but not all noys wore their hair down to their ears or even over the ears. Quite a number of boys wore shoulder length hair. Their parents and school administrators were not at all pleased. Boys in primary school tended not to have the longer cuts because their parents were still in control. Tennagers were another matter nd their were constnt test of will between them and their parents and school administrators.
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