*** unidentified small American family 1850s

United States Boys' Clothes: Unidentified Small Family (1850s)

American family 1850s
Figure 1.--Here we have a cased Ambrotype portrait of a well-dressed family. There is one child, a boy who looks to be about 8-years old. He is kind of hidden behind his parents. But we see enough to know that cut-away jackets were worn in the late-1850s by youger boys. Note the extensive button deoration.

America was still a very rural country in the 1850s. The big eastern cities existed, but were still small compared to Europe. And major cities in the mid-West were just beginning to grow. The economy was still largely agricultural, although industry was beginning to become important, but only in the northern states. Slavery in the South which was still about a third of the country discoraged industrial development. Countries with agriculultural economies tended to have large families. There were small families, primarily in the still limited but growing urban population. Here we have a cased Ambrotype portrait of a well-dressed family. There is one child, a boy who looks to be about 8-years old. He is kind of hidden behind his parents. But we see enough to know that cut-away jackets were worn in the late-1850s by youger boys. Note the extensive button deoration. The portrait is undated, but Ambros were only made for a short period, about 1855-63. The CDV appeared about 1860, after which Ambros rapidly disappeared.


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Created: 9:26 PM 8/7/2024
Last updated: 9:26 PM 8/7/2024