United States Boys' Clothes: Unidentified Ohio Family (1850s)

Figure 1.-- Here we see a Daguerrotype portrait the children of an unidentified American family. All we know for sure is that they lived in Cincinatti, Ohio. The portrait is undated, but we believe was taken in the 1850s. It could have been taken in the 40s or early-60s. There are three neatly dressed children about 4-11 years old. The younger girl stands on an iron chair and wears a dress with a low neckline and short skirt along with pantalettes. Her older sister wears a dress with a high collar and skirt down to her ankles. Their brother wears a collar-buttoning suit jacket with many brasss buttons, a white collar, and long pants.

Here we see a Daguerrotype portrait the children of an unidentified American family. All we know for sure is that they lived in Cincinatti, Ohio. The portrait is undated, but we believe was taken in the 1850s. It could have been taken in the 40s or early-60s. There are three neatly dressed children about 4-11 years old. The younger girl stands on an iron chair and wears a dress with a low neckline and short skirt along with pantalettes. Her older sister wears a dress with a high collar and skirt down to her ankles. Their brother wears a collar-buttoning suit jacket with many brasss buttons, a white collar, and long pants. Many were blue, but the black and white photography of the date only hints of the color as most of these jackets are dark, suggesting blue. The collar buttoning jackets look rather like U.S. Army uniforms. We know the studio because it was stamped into the metal frame--Frais in Cincinati, Ohio. This was not very common. It was not until the appearance of the CDV that we begin to learn where most photigraphic portraits were taken.


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Created: 2:56 AM 9/28/2016
Last updated: 2:56 AM 9/28/2016