United States Boys' Clothes: Well-to-do Family (Unknown state, 1870s?)

Figure 1.-- We see here what is clearly a substantial family of eight having their portrait taken outdoors. Unfotrunately it is a tin-type portrait so no information accompanies it such as studio and location. It is also undated, but we would date it to the 1870s. We see mother and father and six others, presumably the couple's children. It is possibly the the toddler was a child of the older daughter who may be married. They look to range from about 3 years to the late-teens or possibly early-20s.

We see here what is clearly a substantial family of eight having their portrait taken outdoors. Unfotrunately it is a tin-type portrait so no information accompanies it such as studio and location. It is also undated, but we would date it to the 1870s. We see mother and father and six others, presumably the couple's children. It is possibly the the toddler was a child of the older daughter who may be married. They look to range from about 3 years to the late-teens or possibly early-20s. Father and the boys wear bowler hats. The boys look to be teenagers and wear similar long pants suits. Only the shirts and neckwear are different. The straw hats mother and the girls wear are interesting. The girls all wear white dresses. This is interesting because there are so few outdoor American portraits. We see some in Britain, but not too many in America. We are guessing that the family had the where-with-all to hire a photographer to work outside the studio.


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Created: 12:31 AM 2/8/2018
Last updated: 12:31 AM 2/8/2018