*** United States boys clothes : William Nelson Potter Dailey familiy late-1890s

Dailey Family (United States, 1898-99)

American families 1890s
Figure 1.--This is the children of William Nelson Potter Dailey of Schenectady, New York. Two of the children are named. Helen is at the left and Vincent is at right. The children are all dressed in white. The girls wear white dresses, both long a short sleeves. The boys also wears white knee pants outfits. The youngr boys wearas a blouse with a white bow. Vincent wears a white sailor blouse. The portrait is undated, but we would guess was taken in the late-1890s. Notice how the youngr by has a center hair part.

This is the children of William Nelson Potter Dailey of Schenectady, New York. Two of the children are named. Helen is at the left and Vincent is at right. The other two nmes or illegible. They look to be about 3-11 years old. He was the Brigidier General of the 2nd NY Brigade, U.B.B.A. (United Boys Brigade of America). This was a church related youth group founded in Scotland before the Boy Scouts. He was the minister for the Amsterdam Reform Church in Schenectady. The Boy's Brigade does not appear to have been as popular in America as Britain. We see only a few examples in the photogrphic record. But we see here that it did exist. The children are all dressed in white. The girls wear white dresses, both long a short sleeves. The boys also wears white knee pants outfits. The youngr boys wearas a blouse with a white bow. Vincent wears a white sailor blouse. The portrait is undated, but we would guess was taken in the late-1890s. Notice how mother has cardully donrge children's hair. And note the youngr boy has a center hair part.


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Created: 10:42 AM 2/29/2016
Last updated: 10:42 AM 2/29/2016