United States Boys' Hat Chronology: The 1880s--Gender

Figure 1.--Here is a good cross-section of the hats worn by the girls ar what we take to be a church outing. Notice the many differences. The unturned brims are less common with the girls. And we see older girls wearing wide broms. The most notable difference is that the girls' hats are highly decorated. we see more variation and often decorations which the boys' hats did not have. Notice the second girl in the second row. She is the only girl wearing a hat that a boy might wear. Notice the streamer in the back. Notice that hairbows are not yet commnand wht look to be bonnets. Also notice the very young boy in the top row who seems to have the hat with the widest brim.

Both boys and girls wore rounded crown hats, but there were many other styles as well. But there are noticeable differences. The unturned brims are less common with the girls. And we see older girls wearing wide brims. The most notable difference is that the girls' hats are highly decorated. we see more variation and often decorations which the boys' hats did not have. Notice that some of the children with deorated hats look like boys. Even so, a decorated hat is a fairly reliable indicator that the child is a girl. Actually we are a little surprised that there is such a difference between the boys' and the girls' hats. We have seen all the styles of girls hats that we see here. We got the impression that younger boys and girls wore some similar hat styles, although many hats were clearly for girls. The decorted hats are clearly for girls. Here we, however, see little overlap between the headwar worm by boys and girls. Some of the plainer styles the boys here are wearing could be worn by boys and girls. But we only see one girl here wearing a hat that might of be worn by a boy. And while the material used to make the hats is not always clear, straw hats seem much more prevlent with the girls than with the boys. The boys' hats also seem to have relatively notable crowns. Many girls have crowns that are either covered up or can not be seen.


Both boys and girls wore rounded crown hats, but there were many other styles as well. But there are noticeable differences. The unturned brims are less common with the girls. And we see older girls wearing wide brims. The most notable difference is that the girls' hats are highly decorated. we see more variation and often decorations which the boys' hats did not have (figure 1). This is along with center hair parts is probanly the most accurate gender indicator in old photographs. Notice that some of the children with deorated hats look like boys. Even so, a decorated hat is a fairly reliable indicator that the child is a girl. Actually we are a little surprised that there is such a difference between the boys' and the girls' hats. We have seen all the styles of girls hats that we see here. We got the impression that younger boys and girls wore some similar hat styles, although many hats were clearly for girls. The decorted hats are clearly for girls. And while the material used to make the hats is not always clear, straw hats seem much more prevlent with the girls than with the boys. We supect the reason is that they were easier to shpe and decorate, although durability may also be a factor.


Here we, however, see little overlap between the headwar worm by boys and girls (figure 1). Some of the plainer styles the boys here are wearing could be worn by boys and girls. But we only see one girl here wearing a hat that might of be worn by a boy. The boys' hats also seem to have relatively notable crowns. Many girls have crowns that are either covered up or can not be seen. Headwear is a relatively reliable gender indicator. Notice the differences here between the fancy girls' hats and the very plain boys' hats. Notice the boy wearing asailor dress in the front center her. His eide-brimmed, but plain hat helps to conform that he is a boy.


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Created: 3:42 PM 5/15/2016
Last updated: 11:11 PM 10/28/2017