United States Boys' Hat Chronology: The 1880s--Styles

Figure 1.--Here we see a good cross section of the various hat styles worn by men boys and girls during what we believe to be the 1880s. The men mostly wear bowlers, but we notice one younger teenager who has a bowler like the men. The boys in contrast have very different hats, mostly hats with modest brims done in different ways, but modtly turned up. The girls wear destinctive, decorated staw hats. We also see bonnets. While almost everyone wears hats, notice the one boy with a fancy cap somewhere in between a sailor cap and academic mortar boards. We are not entirely sure how to dscribe it. Also notice his large white floppy bow, the other boys have more modest bows.

We see many different style of hats, both adult and juvenile styles. Straw boaters appeared in the late-19th century. This was a style worn prmarily by adults, but we see some boys wearing them. Bowlers begin to see them fairly commonly in the 1880s. This was mostly for adults, but we see a few boys wearing them. And by a substantial margin the principal style was the rounded crown hat with a modest brim. We see some boys wearing wide-brimmed sailor hats, but this was mostly younger boy. The basic headwear for most boys was the standard rounded crown hat with a modest brim. We notice the boys wearing mostly narrow/medium brimmed hats, but quite a few flat or flatish crowns (figure 1). But very few are as flat as the classic pork pie hat. It is, however, difficult to assess the crowns on the hats of many of the hats the boys are wearing. This appears to be is was a change from the the rest of the 19th when the crowns seem to be more clearly rounded. century when rounded crown hats were almost universal. The image here is also notable for the variety of ways that the brims were done. We see for examples upturned, flat and down-turned brims. The upturned style seems the most common.


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Created: 1:08 PM 5/14/2016
Last updated: 1:08 PM 5/14/2016