American Boy Dresses: Bodice Decoration--Laces

boy dress bodice  laces
Figure 1.--This unidentified boy had a cabinet card portrait made at the H.G. wilson stidio in Allentown, Pennsylvania. The pin-on lace collar often dates to the Fauntleoy era beginning about 1885, but the mount style and setting looks more like the 70s. The dress bodice here has a lacing decoration. It give a kind of jacket impression, but we do not think it was laced and unlaced every day. We believe this was aecorative device. And what looks somewhat like a jacket was probabky just sewed together to create a bodice. Note the rope-style waistline belt.

We note some dresses done with laving in the front during the 19th century. We do not know how common it was or have enough images to be able to assess the chronological trends. We note one example that combines a pin-on lace collar with front lacing and eyelets which we suspect comes from the 1880s. It give a kind of jacket impression, but we do not think it was laced and unlaced every day. We believe this was aecorative device. And what looks somewhat like a jacket was probabky just sewed together to create a bodice. We think this was a stylistic element used for both boys' and girls dresses.


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Created: 2:40 AM 6/9/2012
Last updated: 2:40 AM 6/9/2012