American Boy Dresses Elements: Collar Designs, Shapes, and Styles

boy dress collar
Figure 1.--This unidentified Vermont boy had a huge lace collr draped ovr his dress and acrossed his shoulders, lmost more than a cape than a dress. We have seen Fauntleroy outfits done like this as well. Click on the imafe to see the the entire image.

They were done in many different designs shapes and styles. Here there were similarities with collars on shirts and blouses. Many collars were done in the same color and material as the dress. Others contrasted with the dress. While collars were worn, but not the most common as opposed to the shirts and blouses boys wore. The collars varied greatly in size and style. Most dresses had colars that were a part of the dress. There were also pin-on and other detachable collars. A popular type of pin-on collar was the lace collar. We also see Eton collars. One popular style was lace collars. We see them in different shapes and sizes. We also note Eton collars, Peter Pan collars, ruffled collars and ruffs, and many other styles. Both boys an girls wore dresses with lace collars. We note an unidentfied boy wearing a ruffled collar with his dress in the 1850s. We notice Willie Blatt with a very small ruff during the 1870s. These ruffs do not seem to be part pf the dress, but rather on a garment worn under the dress.


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Created: 4:33 AM 11/26/2014
Last updated: 4:33 AM 11/26/2014