*** H.N. Miller boys' dresses : national styles -- United States problem figure 9

Figure 9: H.N. Miller (Unkown location, early-1870s)

boy dress
Figure 1.--This small tintype shows an unidentified boy who looks to be anout 5 years old. The tintype is done to mimic the size of a cdv so it could fit in an albumn. We would guess the portrait was taken in the early-1870s. The boy look to be wearing an overcoat, but we believe that the outfit would have been seen a dress at the time. Overcoats ratrly had fancy white collars, byt dresses do not normally have buttond that continue into the skirt section. It looks to be a low-budget studio, but is not named nor the city indicated. Click on the imge to see the inscriotion.

This small tintype shows an unidentified boy who looks to be anout 5 years old. The tintype is done to mimic the size of a cdv so it could fit in an albumn. We would guess the portrait was taken in the early-1870s. The boy look to be wearing an overcoat, but we believe that the outfit would have been seen a dress at the time. Overcoats ratrly had fancy white collars, byt dresses do not normally have buttond that continue into the skirt section. It looks to be a low-budget studio, but is not named nor the city indicated. We might have guess the late-60s, but has a fancy paper sleeve with rounded corners. The boy holds a flat-topped straw hat. mother seems to have guven a little attention to his hair. Written in the inside of the sleeve is the boy's name. It is a little difficult to read, but looks like H.N. Miller.


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Created: 7:53 PM 8/17/2022
Last updated: 9:52 PM 8/17/2022