United States Boys Highland Kilts: Garments

Figure 1.--This cabinet portrait of an unidentified boy who seems quite pleased with himself. He is wearing a complete Highland kilt outfit. The mount style suggests it was taken about 1905-10. The 3.75 x 5.5 inch photo has a large mount with adecorative border. The studio was A. Ciralli, Yonkers, New York.

The Highland Kilt outfits were made up of a varietyy of garments. Boys were Scottish headwear. The Glengary caps were most common, sometimes worn with an eagle feather. Balmoral bonnets were also worn. Black, military styled jackets were popular, often worn with Eton collars. Younger boys might wear lace or ruffled collars in the late-19th or early-20th century. A sholdersash and broach was worn in the more elaborate outfits. The kilts tended to have brighter patterns than the kilt suits. Ufortunately we can't make out the colors. We do not know if trews were worn. The kilts hey were worn with sporrans and knee socks. We note both argyle patterns and dark solid colors used for te socks. We even note one Highland outfit that one mother seems to have brought home from London, only with kneepants rather than a kilt. This was not very common. Footwear was usually bucked or strap shoes. Daggers mightbe added, but boys being boys, most mothers decided that discression was the better part of valor and opted against the dagger.


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Created: 5:36 AM 3/7/2010
Last updated: 5:36 AM 3/7/2010