Major Refugee Problems

Figure 1.--

A Palestinian source describes the Palestinian experience as the world's "oldest and largest refugee problem". Another Palestinian site describes the loss of "their property in one of the greatest acts of plunder in modern history". These and similar claims are simply not true. There have been many refugee problems before and after and there have been quite a number of serious refugee crises of far greater magnitude. Even during the same period there were far larger refugee problems. The displace persons following World War II was far larger involving millions of refugees (1945). Just the German refugee problem after the War was larger (1945-46). As was the refugee problem following the partition of British India (1948). In none these instances were the problems solved by war and terroism. Nor were reparations and moving the refugees back to their country. In each instance the resolution of the problem was to integrate the refugees into the society where they found themselves. Millions of refugees have thus been resettled in host countries.


None of the major refugee problems have been reolved by war and terroism. Nor were reparations and moving the refugees back to their country the solutio. In each instance the resolution of the problem was to integrate the refugees into the society where they found themselves. Millions of refugees have thus been permanently resettled in host countries. One refugee expert writes, "No large-scale refugee problem has ever been solved by repatriation, and there are certainly no grounds for believing that this particular problem (the Palestine refugees) can be so solved The facts we must face force us to the conclusion that for most of the world refugees the only solution is integration where they are." [Rees]

Major Refugee Problems

There have been many refugee problems during the 20th century.

World War II Refugee Problem (1945-46)

The displace persons following World War II was far larger involving millions of refugees (1945). Just the German refugee problem after the War was much larger (1945-46). One of the major aspects of the World war II refugee problem was the Germans. This was settled at Posdam by Stalin, Truman, and Atlee. Article XIII of the 1945 Potsdam declaration settled the fate of about 15 million Germans. They were resettled from Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Austria to post-War Germany. They lost title to the land where their families had in many cases lived for centuries. No comprensation was ever msde for their losses.

Indian Patition (1948)

The refugee problem following the partition of British India was massive (1948). The partition of British India resulted in the mass relocation of millions of people. Hindus moved into India. Muslims moved Pakistan. Few Hindus stayed in Pakistan. Millions of Muslims stayed in India. The refugees were not restricted in what they took with them. But they could only carry so much and much of their assetts was land, homes, shps and other immoveable property. This prperty left behind was seized by the two governments to aid in the resettlement of the arriving refugees.


Rees, Elfan. "Century of the Homeless Man," Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (November 1957). Dr. Rees was an Advisor on Refugees to the World Council of Churches.


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Created: 10:17 PM 5/19/2007
Last updated: 10:17 PM 5/19/2007