*** World War II : Japanese Killing of Chinese--Methods

World War II: Japanese Killing of Chinese--Methods (1931-45)

Japanese killing methods

Figure 1.--Here we see Japanese soldiers bury bound Chinese civilians alive, saving on bullets. The photograph was taken in China, but we are not sure just where.

The Japanese had a wide range of way in which they murdered civilians in huge numbers. In one way they were different than the NAZIs in Euope. In many ways, they were differet, but there also mamy similarities. The NAZIs began the War with up front and personal ways of killing people--mostly shooting their victims. This bothered SS commander Heinrich Himmler. He thought that it was putting undo stress on SS men doing the killing--mostly by shooting. This and concerns over efficinchy caused Himmler to order the industrialization of murder leading to the hotrific death camps. The Japanese never did this. Japanese commanders did not think that killing people was stressful on their men. In fact theu used killing such as bayoneting as a way of training their new recruits who were at first a little squishming about blood. Both the NAZIs and Japanese used bombing as a way of killing civilans, but this is an inefficent method of killing. The primary meyhod of killing used by the Japanese and NAZIs was starvation--restrictung the access of civilians to food. The Japanese and NAZIs both used shooting as a primary killing methos. Other methods widely used by the Japanese included beheading, burying alive, burning alive, bayonetting, beating, rape, hard labor, chemical and biological weaons (both testing and actual use), and other methods. One method the Japanese did not use to any extent was hanging. There were also many gruesome means of torturing people to death.


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Created: 6:39 PM 1/12/2022
Last updated: 11:00 PM 2/27/2022