*** World War II -- Hungary home front

World War II Hungary: Home Front

Hungarian home front
Figure 1.--Here we see some kind of patriotic event in Budapest during World War II. It is not dated, but was probably taken early in the War. The Government was forced into the War by Hitler. At first there was only limited impact on the home front, largely because of the agricultural economy. The Government tried to stay out of active participatiion, but Hitler after the disaster in the Soviet Union demanded an imprtant effort (1942). The result was massive losses at Stalingrad. Hungary tried to exit the War (1943). But then the Germans seized control and the Red Army reached Hungary (1944).

Hungary like other areas of the Austro-Hungarian Empire had difficulty adjusting to defeat in World War I and life as a small independent country. The Treaty of Trianon ending the War, a short-lived Communist state, and the Great Depression all affected post-war adjustments. Border adjustments and irredentist feelings became important resulting in a shifting political move toward the right. Regent Miklós Horthy appointed Gyula Gömbös prime-minister. Gömbös was associated with the Hungarian National Defense Association (Magyar Országos Véderő Egylet-- MOVE). Soon after the NAZIs seized power in Germany. Gömbös adopted a foreign policy of closer cooperation with Germany. He also pursued a policy of assimilate minorities. Gömbös negotiated a trade agreement with Germany (1934). 【Forndran】 This was part of a NAZI effort to bring central Europe within the NAZI orbit. Hungary benefited from the economic arrangements with Germany, especially recovering from the Depression. It also tied Hungary to the German economy. Germany became increasingly important as an export market. Germany also became the major source of raw material. Irredentist issues with Czechoslovakia and Romania also pushed Hungary into the German camp. As Europe spiraled toward war, Hungarian politicians had to assess what country was going to win the War. Gömbös saw a German dominated Europe. Pál Teleki, Hungary’s prime-minister at the onset was less sure. He preferred neutrality or at least a 'non-belligerent' role. With little enthusiasm, he joined the Axis (November 1940). He then negotiated a 'Treaty of Eternal Friendship' with Yugoslavia (December 1940). When the Yugoslavs revolted against a an alliance with Germany, Hitler pressured Hungary for help invading Yugoslavia. Teleki found himself cornered and having to choose. He collapsing under the pressure and shot himself (April 1941). Hungary thus found itself in the shooting war, but only at a limited level. As a result, the country was at first not greatly impacted by the War. And as a largely agricultural country, food was not a severe problem as was the case in many other European counties. Shortly after Teleki shot himself, Hitler launched Operation Barbarossa, the invasion of the Soviet Union (June 1941). The Hungarian Army did not participate significantly in Barbarossa. Hitler did not think that they were needed. As a result, Hungary remained largely untouched by the War (through 1941). This began to change after the Red Army launched its Winter Counter Offensive before Moscow (December 1941). The Germans suffered huge losses in men and material. As a result, Hitler demanded that Hungary participate seriously in the 1942 offensive. The Hungarians followed the Germans deepm into the Soviet Union. This led to the epic battle of Stalingrad on the Volga. And at Stalingrad the poorly equipped and supplied Hungarian Second Army suffered massive losses when the Red Army launched Operation Uranus trapping the German 6th Army in the Stalingrad pocket (November 1942). Thus for the first time Hungarians began to feel the full impact of the War. The Hungarian Government attempted to exit the War (1943). The Grmans executed Operation Margarethe, seized control of the country (March 1944), As in Italy, the NAZIs could only keep its allies in the War by seizing control. Conditions deterioted further when the Red Army reached the Hungarian frontier (1944). The home front had become the front line. The horifuic seige of Budapest began (December 26, 1944). In the ensuing 50 days, some 38,ooo cuvilans wee killed in the fighting, starvatiion, and final Arrow Cross actions against the city's Jews. 【Szabolcs】


Forndran, Erhard. Innen- und Außenpolitik unter nationalsozialistischer Bedrohung (Westdeutscher Verlag).

Szabolcs, Szabolcs. "A budapesti csillagos házak (1944-45)," Remeny (2002).


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Created: 4:08 AM 4/26/2024
Last updated: 4:08 AM 4/26/2024