* World War II Europen Theater -- Sweden humanitarian activities liberated children

World War II Sweden: Humanitarian Activities--German Children

Swedish care of German children
Figure 1.--Here we see Swedish Red Cross workers Malmö, a Swedushbport, with German children sent for care after World War II (October 1945). We have no details on thevprogram at this time. There is some information on the back, but as it is Swedish we are not sure what it says other than the chikdren are identified as German. Click on the omage to see the back.

As after World War, conditins in Germany were dereadful after the War. Unlike World War I, Germany aenies had been defated. There would be no repeat of the World War I 'stab in the back' acusation. The country was occupied and its great cities reduced to rubble. Rhe dood siruation was dire, but not as def=readful as after World War I when the Dutch took in hungry German children. The Allies continued the blockade of Germany until after the Versailles peace treaty was signed. There were serious food shortages. People died, especially children. The Dutch took in many hungary German children. This was not the case in the aftermath of World War II. As the Germans had invaded and occupied the Netherlands and then starved the Dutch people in the infamous Hunger Winter, There was no sympathy for the Germans in the Netherlands after World War II, even for German children. There was one country which did take in German children -- Sweden. We see theSwedestaking in German children. As fae as we can tell it was done rhrough the Swedish Red Cross. We have found a great deal of information about the Swedes taking in Finnish children, Danish Jews, and the White Buses rescue effort. We have not found much infoemation about the effor to aid German children.


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Created: 9:22 AM 4/16/2020
Last updated: 9:22 AM 4/16/2020