World War II Refugees in Sweden: Other Countries--Belgium

Figure 1.--This Swedish press photo looks to be Belgian refugees in Sweden beginning the trip home to their liberated country. We do not know why they were in Sweden. The photograph seems to be dated September 1945. If you speak Swedish put your cursor on the image to see the writing on the back.

We notice some images of Belgians going home from Sweden after the War. We know of no special reasons why Belgians were in Sweden. We think that for the most part that they were simply Belgians caught in Sweden when the Germans invaded Belgium (1940). There was no way of large numbers of Belgians toescape from their occupied country. Sweden woud have been especially difficult to reach becuse it did not have an Atlantic coast. There were foreigners living and working in every European country before the War and there were Belgians in Sweden as part of the typical expartriate population. Belgium was a small, but highly industrialized country with commercial contacts throuhout Europe. The Germans of course ended trade with Britain, but not with neutral Sweden. Some Belgians in Sweden may have returned to ocupied Belgium chose to remain in Sweden rather than subject themselves and their family to German occpation. Other than Swedish press photos, we have been unable to find information on Belgian refugees in Sweden.


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Created: 9:35 PM 5/11/2016
Last updated: 9:35 PM 5/11/2016