Individual Isolationists: Anne Morrow Lindbergh (1906-2001)

Figure 1.-- Anne Morrow Lindbergh is primarily known as the wife of famed aviator Lucjky Lindy--Charles Lindberg. Sge was an author and and aviation pioneer in her own right. Here we see her about 1915. Her husband was accused of being a NAZI, but was rather circumspect in his statements usually focusing on the need to stay out of the War between Britain and Germany. He did say in Congessional testimony on Lend Lease that he did not see much differenc between Britain and NAZI Germany (1941). Anne was much more ecplicit. She wrote a book that she would later come to regret--The Wave of the Future (1940). At at a time that Luftwaffe bombs were falling on London she argues for accomodation. Her book was Isolationist, almost totalitarian, propaganda. She identifies German Nazism, Italian Fascism, and Soviet Communism as being "the wave of the future." She criticises democracy for its balance of powers and elections impeding progress. She notes the excsses of the toltalitarians, but argues for accomodation, ignoring the failure of Britain's appeasement of Hitler. Mrs. Roosevelt also wrote a book in 1940 -- The Moral Basis of Democracy.

Anne Morrow Lindbergh is primarily known as the wife of famed aviator Lucjky Lindy--Charles Lindberg. Sge was an author and and aviation pioneer in her own right. And was was the subject of deep-felt sympathy afrer her little boy was killed in a never fully explained kidnap attempt (1932). Anne Spencer Morrow was born in Englewood, New Jersey (1906). Her father, Dwight W. Morrow, was a partner in the successful banking house of J.P. Morgan & Co. He is best know for his service as Ambassador to Mexico, helping to bring about improved relations (1920s). He entered politics and was elected as a Republican to the Senate (1930), but died soon after. Anne's mother, Elizabeth Reeve Cutter Morrow, was a poet and teacher who later served as acting president of Smith College (1939-40). Anne attended the exclusive Miss Chapin's School in Manhattan, where the Morrows had an apartment. She enrolled at Smith College (1924). She married Charles Lindbergh soon after graduating from Smith College (1929). To keep up with her dashing new husband, she got her glider pilot's license (1930_. Their first child was murdered (1932). She was not as outspoken as her isolationist husband, but went on to write more than two dozen works. Her husband was accused of being a NAZI, but was rather circumspect in his statements usually focusing on the meed to stay out of the War between Britain and Germany. He did say in Congessional testimony on Lend Lease that he did not see much differenc between Britain and NAZI Germany (1941). Anne was much more explicit. She wrote a book that she would later come to regret--The Wave of the Future (1940). At at a time that Luftwaffe bombs were falling on London she argued for accomodation. It was Isolationist, almost totalitarian, propaganda. She identifies German Nazism, Italian Fascism, and Soviet Communism as being 'the wave of the future'. She criticises democracy for its balance of powers and elections impeding progress. She notes the excsses of the toltalitarians, but argues for accomodation, ignoring the failure of Britain's appeasement of Hitler. Mrs. Roosevelt also wrote a book in 1940 -- The Moral Basis of Democracy. Anne had a long life after her husband died (1974). For 25 years she continued writing and edited her diaries for publication. She died February 7, 2001, in Passumpsic, Vermont (2001). Early Life Writer and aviator was born on June 22, 1906, in Englewood, New Jersey.


Lindbergh, Anne Morrow. The Wave of the Future (1940).

Roosevelt, Eleanor. The Moral Basis of Democracy (1940).


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Created: 7:02 AM 7/8/2018
Last updated: 7:02 AM 7/8/2018