** World War II naval campaigns -- the Atlantic German naval strategy at the outbreak of war

German Naval Stategy: Outbreak of World War II (September 1939)

Figure 1.--The caption to this photograp reads, "Marine Hitler Youth presenting their naval logs for German Navy submariners' review, Germany, 1939." I think this means that the HJ boys here after completing a training program were reporting to a U-boat to join the crew. Notice that they still have HJ pins on their caps. Source: Emde. Bundesarchiv. Bild 146-2007-0147.

OKM dreams of a massive surface fleet to confront the Royal Navy were dashed when Hiler launched the War years ahead of schedule. Hitler had assured the admirals that war was years away. He did understand the shift he had caused in British public opinionand did not expect Britain to declare war when he invaded Poland (Septenber 1939). Thus only small numbers of U-boats had been built. When war cane, the Kriegsmarine was not prepared and had to adopt a new war plan. Until modern capital ships could be built, the Germans could not dirctly confront the Royal Navy. Thus the Germans had to return to the World War strategy of a commerce war. The Germans with U-boats, surface raiders, and long range aircraft hoped to cut off Britain from its Empire and supply from the United States. The U-boat was a particularly attractive weapon, because a U-boat could be built in 6 months at a fraction of the cost of a surface unit. It was the most logical choice for the Germans, especilly after early actions proved their effectivenesss. The Royal Navy had concluded that the submarine was no longer a threat based on their World War I experience. The Gerrmas had not made huge advances in submarine technology, but U-boat commandder, Admiral Dönitz, had insdtituted major tactical changes. The Germans prepared to use their availablre force as commerce raiders, to prevent supplies from America and the Dominions from reaching Britian and France. The small surface fleet still loomed large in German naval thinking. The Germnan admirals like admiraks in other countries werecdominated by the gun club. The Germans had pocket battleships and converted merchant ships (Q boats) in addition to 57 U-boats. And Bismarck was nearing completion.


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Created: 11:03 AM 3/24/2011
Last updated: 7:31 AM 3/30/2021